+256 709-748235


About Us

Learn About Us

Ugandan based non-profit charity organization

Pacem Havens Foundation is a non-governmental organization that was inspired by the prison experiences of its founder Shadrack Magara. At Pacem Havens Foundation, we believe that every individual who has been to prison or is at risk of going to prison deserves more than a second chance to recreate their life. Thus, PHF aims to create an environment where ex-offenders can transform their lives, reintegrate into society, and reduce the rates of re-offending and crime through its various programs.

Pacem Havens Foundation works with various people to ensure that ex-offenders can develop the soft skills, attributes, and knowledge they need to be employed or rebrand their personalities. Our work has helped several people with criminal backgrounds, and our support has no time limit. We work with our clients until they build the confidence, skills, and ability they need to have a positive future ahead of them.

Mission: To facilitate the successful reintegration of ex-offenders back into their communities, equipped with the tools for a productive life free of re-offending.

Vision: Reduced recidivism through successful community reintegration where offenders become fully accepted, respected, and productive members of the community.

What We Do?

We believe that we can save more lives with you

In April 2024, Pacem Havens Foundation registered as a Non-Government Organisation in Uganda with the National Bureau of NGOs under Registration No. INDR167616064NB and obtained a permit to operate as such under Permit No. INDP0006064NB.
The foundation targets those who have been in prison for long and may have lost touch with the outside world. While we are built on firm Christian principles and foundations, we do not discriminate on any grounds, be they age, gender, disability, or faith.
Philosophy Repair: We recognise the need to and therefore prioritise repairing relationships between offenders and society.
Transform: We help the ex-offender to regain feelings of respect for self and others and develop their own capacities to live crime-free lives.
Reintegrate: As much as possible, we involve the victim, offender, and community in search of ways to return to the community with trust.




Ex-inmates impacted


Our Goal



Meet Our Team

Awesome team behind our charity activities

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Mr. Chris Rwakasisi


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Mrs. Ssanyu Rebecca

Executive Director

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Mr. Shadrack Magara

Founding Director

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Mrs. Sheba Suzan Lugemwa


Our Valued Partners
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